We are very proud to manage apnea and snoring by the use of dental devices in our practice.

Compromised sleep is frequently a contributing factor in many headache and pain disorders, and once managed, restoring restful and uninterrupted sleep has a huge impact on the quality of life for the patient. Over the years, we have had thousands of happy patients who report that their lives have been dramatically improved. Not only does their snoring stop, which usually makes their bed partner very happy, but patients also report that they are much happier and healthier.

Once the treatment is complete, Dr Victoria Wexley highly recommends a follow-up sleep study with a dental device in place. Apnea is a potentially life-threatening disease that puts patients at risk for severe health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, dementia, depression and anxiety, among others. Successful management of apnea with a custom dental device is always confirmed by a follow-up sleep study to be sure the treatment is optional for each individual patient. Many times, patients feel much better immediately and don't realize that there is room for even more improvement in their sleep disorder.

Explore these topics on sleep disorders, and call us to schedule your consultation because you deserve a good night’s rest – every night!

These devices are constructed in such a way that keeps the airway from collapsing while the patient sleeps. People who suffer from sleep disorders frequently don’t even know that they have the problem. They wake up without feeling rested or have headaches and earaches and don’t know why. Studies commissioned by Congress and carried out by the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research have found that 63 per cent of the American public is sleep deprived, and 30 per cent of Americans have a sleeping disorder.

Obstructive Apnea oral devices like Modified Herbst, SomnoMed, or similar appliances are very effective in managing sleep apnea. At Wexley Headache and Medical Clinic, we have vast experience utilizing these devices with great success.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that dental devices are much more accepted and complied with than any other modalities for managing sleep apnea.

Below are a few pictures of the devices commonly used in our practice.
Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 4 Device 4 Device 5